Retromachine Mark II - Sound Test - Final version of arcade.
Mini Arcade teaser #01- This was the first version of the Arcade. I did some nice upgrades after this version.
TheRetromachine 80's Teaser #2
This is my personal Multi-Arcade Machine. Projected and made of MDF Wood by me. I built around 10 of those machines for friends. It was a project made for fun, without commercial goals in mind. It's very hard to build machines with all these details, at home, without a proper workshop. It was pure madness to built it on my balcony without help. But worth the work. I've made some fake "ads" of the machine just for fun.
Everything was projected in 3D using realscale modeling of everything. I 3DPrinted a LOT of parts and this helped me a lot on customizing it.